SDS (MSDS) downloads are only available for Composites Molding (Chemlease® and Zyvax® brands) and Thermoplastics Processing (Lusin® brand) products. If you do not require access to an SDS for either a composites molding or thermoplastic processing product then do not register for a download account.

If you require an SDS (MSDS) for a Die CastingPolyurethane MoldingRubber MoldingTire Manufacturing or Wood Composite product, then click here to submit a data sheet request form. 

Only English language SDSs for both composites industry and thermoplastic processing products are available from the download portal. If you need an SDS for a product not available for download, or in a language other than English, please visit the Data Sheet Request Form page and submit a request. Our customer service team will provide the documents required.

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